MICHAEL HAMMOND ENGINEERING CO. LTD is a wholly indigenous company engaged in the supply, installation and maintenance of a wide range of mechanical and electrical equipment. Most of the equipment supplied and maintained by us are protective and preventive in nature giving added lifespan to our customers’ investments. We supply UPS SYSTEMS and PRECISION CLOSE CONTROL AIR CONDITIONING that protect computers against power outages and environmental hazards, while STABILISERS protect sensitive elec... tronic equipment from the dangers of power variations. In the early Eighties we started to propagate the idea of providing FIRE PROTECTION to our customers, to protect them and their investments against the dangers of FIRES.
We believe that FIRE PROTECTION has been one of the most neglected areas of safety in Nigeria, and we have aligned ourselves with the global leaders in this field CHEMETRON FIRE SYSTEMS, this is in order to provide our customers with high quality products and services that are both efficient and cost effective. We stock a wide range of products that both DETECT and EXTINGUISH FIRES, we also assist corporations in the training of their staff, for the event of fire by carrying out FIRE DRILLS. Our facilities include a FM 200 BOTTLE REFILLING PLANT. We have a highly motivated group of factory trained Fire Engineers who are on call 24 hours a day (via GSM Phones and e-mail), and are ready to answer any questions, offer advice and give quotes. View More