An institution of higher education and reference training, which promotes the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are fundamental to the needs of the labor market, responsible for the production of scientific and technological knowledge relevant to the development and modernization of the EDV region. , enhancing the educational qualifications at the highest level of economic, social and personal well-being.
ISVOUGA is a higher education institution, particularly of a polytechnic nature which, through the range of courses it offers and the research it promotes, proposes to contribute significantly to the economic and social development of the region in which it is integrated.
Offering particularly to contribute to business growth, Isvouga aims to promote teaching and learning focused on the creation and reinforcement of the technical and personal skills of its students.
Following the introduction of the Bologna model, the approach adopted through the methodologies employed is that the knowledge to be reached, both in a more theoretical and technical nature, is achieved by fundamental transversal competences are simultaneously worked on and reinforced by the students. Project work or those with a strong experimental component are, as it were, recurring working tools, thus stimulating considerable levels of autonomy on the part of the students in this process.