Federal State Educational Institution of higher vocational training “Admiral Ushakov Maritime University” is the largest educational institution of water transport and the only higher educational institution in the South of Russia training marine specialists for shipping companies, building and shipbuilding plants, works of water transport, ports and transport terminals.
As per licence of the Ministry of Education RF the University effects training under the programs of secondary and higher vocational education and also under programs of additional and post-graduate education. The University state diplomas and certificates meet International Conventions requirements and are approved by all countries round the world. Maritime specialties of the Academy are accredited in the European Union and International Maritime Organization.
The Academy prepares personnel in 14 specialties of higher vocational education. It comprises 5 faculties, 36 departments, Southern Regional Center of Additional and Vocational Training (SRCAVT), branches in Rostov-na-Donu, Sevastopol and Astrakhan. For performing study process the Academy posses study-laboratory complex with a block of lecture rooms and three study buildings, more than 500 laboratories and study rooms, reading hall for 160 seats, library with a book store of 300 000 copies.