TAIFA GAS TANZANIA LIMITED (TAIFA GAS) started as MIHAN GAS COMPANY LIMITED (MIHAN GAS) and was incorporated on 19th May 2005, with certificate of incorporation number 52508 under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 212) as a limited company in the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Company spent two years in its initial startup investment and eventually started business in the market in year 2008. The Company was sold by founders and the process of acquiring and transfer to the new owners was completed in Dec, 2017.
The company name was changed from MIHAN GAS COMPANY LIMITED to TAIFA GAS TANZANIA LIMITED IN 20th March 2019 to reflect company’s new vision. Taifa Gas Tanzania Limited will introduce Taifa Gas brand and also continue to trade in Mihan Gas brand which is seen in its Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders.